• Ergodicity 101 Course

    Introduction to Financing Systemic Transformation for the Regenerative, Net positive and Circular Economy.


    How are we like a fly trying to get through a closed window? All we need to do is see the handle clearly, and pull (not push harder) the window open.
    This 4-week course will delve into a powerful, and counter-intuitive, way of constructing a regenerative economy. Ergodic investment and entrepreneurship. Participants will explore the real dynamics of capital growth, the impact of unpredictables, and how the bigger the unpredictability in the world, the more effective ergodic investment strategies become.
    Ergodic investing and business building is the ground breaking new approach we need now.
    Led by the authors of the book Ergodic Investor & Entrepreneur, Graham Boyd and Jack Reardon.
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  • The Ergodic Investor & Entrepreneur

    Nature needs unpredictability to power natural capital regeneration. Start using this power now in your business.

    There is a far better way to invest and run businesses in times of rapid change. In fact, the more VUCA the business context is, the more an ergodic strategy outperforms conventional investment theses.

    Ergodic design is a little-known driver of the success of nature, and even companies like Apple, Unilever, or the Japanese Keiretsu. You can start using it in your investments or startups now. It is a must to get circular, net positive, regenerative etc. business to thrive.

     The underlying issue that we solve: the true dynamics of business are different to the underlying assumptions hidden in today's investment and business theories.

    At Evolutesix, we have identified this issue and developed a solution that you can implement.

    To stepchange your investment or business performance, watch this video, read the book, and attend this 101 course. If you're already familiar with ergodicity and would like to dive deeper and put it into practice on your endeavour; then join the Ergodicity Masterclass!


    Most thoughtful observers understand the capital formation process of our economy is broken. Few understand how the flawed statistics lying at the foundation of “high finance” has led us astray. Perhaps only Boyd and Reardon can illuminate how ergodic thinking shines a light on the path to a prosperous future by aligning our finance with the complexity of how all living systems actually work: in dynamic balance, collaboratively.


    John Fullerton; Founder Capital Institute, author Regenerative Capitalism

  • Ergodicity 101 program modules

    The program is structured in a 1 x weekly 2 hour workshop session on Tuesdays, for 4 weeks. The workshops are composed of insightful presentations, engaging discussion and immersive breakout group sessions. Through interactive discussions and case studies, learners will gain a good understanding of how interconnected companies, holistic capitals, and alternative investment strategies can lead us towards a regenerative future.


    Week 1TuesdayWhat is Ergodic and Non-Ergodic?

    Main Theme: Why is it so hard to build a regenerative economy? Exploring the concept of a regenerative economy and its challenges. Understanding Ergodicity as an enabler to constructing such an economy.
    Topic 1: What is Ergodicity? Introduction to the principles and goals of a regenerative economy, why it's been so hard to build such an economy and how to finance startups that will make it easier to systemically transform the economy.
    Topic 2: Unpredictability and the non-ergodic nature of business: Unpredictables; the known, knowable and unknowable.
    Topic 3: Capital Dynamics in an unpredictable world: Diving into different forms of capital beyond monetary resources, such as natural, social, and human capital. How these capitals, as well as financial capital, contribute to a comprehensive ergodic redesign approach.


    Week 2TuesdayErgodic Design for Ecosystems

    Main Theme: Ergodic design is an unknown driver of the success of companies like Apple, Unilever, or the Japanese Keiretsu. Learn the key role of ergodicity for circular, net positive, regenerative etc. business to thrive.
    Topic 4: Ecosystem Thinking and Interactions: Exploring ecosystems as interconnected systems of companies and stakeholders. How interactions drive resource flow and support thriving life. The role of ecosystems in achieving regenerative outcomes. 

    Week 3┃Tuesday┃Challenging Economic Assumptions

    Main Theme: What is our windowpane? Exploring the false ergodicity assumption and its implications for economic wastefulness.
    Topic 5: Ergodicity and Its Impact on Economics: Unpacking the 350-year-old false ergodicity assumption in economics and its role in creating wasteful economic behavior. How this assumption affects decision-making and resource allocation.
    Topic 6: Opening the Window to Regeneration: Discussing strategies to challenge the ergodicity assumption and enable a regenerative economy. Exploring alternatives and opportunities for sustainable growth that defy conventional economic models.

    Week 4┃Tuesday┃Building Ergodically

    Main Theme: What is the essence of business, and how can we eliminate harmful myths? Exploring the realities of business growth and their alignment with a regenerative economy.
    Topic 7: Unveiling Business and Growth Myths: Questioning the conventional beliefs around business growth, including the typical business plan and linear growth assumptions. Understanding the essence of business beyond short-term gains.
    Topic 8: Portfolios vs Ergodic Investing: Examining alternative approaches to portfolio strategies and using ergodic investing to foster regenerative practices.
  • Now only 299 GBP

    The Ergodicity 101 course is limited to 10 people per cohort.


  • What you get

    1. 4 x 2 hour interactive workshop format (Virtual & Live) (1 session per week for 4 weeks)

    2. Copy of the newly-released book The Ergodic Investor & Entrepreneur

    3. Learn the root cause of why business, and the economy are failing us and actionable steps you can take to contribute to building a regenerative economy.

    4. Understand the systemic reasons your investment portfolios can perform better.

    5. Be able to think critically, challenge norms, and actively engage in reshaping economic paradigms for a regenerative future.

    6. Learn about the correct equations to deliver valid business plans (i.e., don’t assume ergodicity when the world isn’t).

    7. Learn how to best execute the strategy by connecting an array of diverse businesses and ecosystems into a fractional profit-pooling ecosystem.



    Who this workshop is for:

    • Investors and Entrepreneurs, and especially founders, angels, VCs, venture philanthropists, impact investors, net positive investors, family offices with a long-term view.
    • Limited to 10 individuals per cohort.
    • If you'd like to register with a colleague, contact us here and get a 10% discount.
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    Order your copy of the book

    The Ergodic Investor & Entrepreneur now!


    Most thoughtful observers understand the capital formation process of our economy is broken. Few understand how the flawed statistics lying at the foundation of “high finance” has led us astray. Perhaps only Boyd and Reardon can illuminate how ergodic thinking shines a light on the path to a prosperous future by aligning our finance with the complexity of how all living systems actually work: in dynamic balance, collaboratively..

    John Fullerton, Founder Capital Institute, author Regenerative Capitalism

  • Interested in a deep dive and a more advanced programme? Check out the Ergodic Masterclass

    Ask us anything about Ergodicity, Investment Strategy, business and life!

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