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    Complex and Ergodic Investor

    Complex and Ergodic Investor

    1.499,00 € - 2.997,00 €
    Early bird rates for the first 5-week course for investors to get the best in our complex, uncertain world by deploying ergodic investment strategies. Why they work better in complex uncertain times, how they work, and how to use our simulator.
    One person: 1499,00 €
    A colleague from the same company: +0 €
    Each subsequent colleague: 749,00 €

    Max. 4 companies or 8 people (Whoever comes first) course
    We'll arrange the schedule closer to the time.
    Coming soon
    Ergodicity 101 Course

    Ergodicity 101 Course

    179,00 € - 399,00 €
    For entrepreneurs, consultants, and everyone interested in an introduction to a better way of investing in and running businesses - one that gets better vs. traditional approaches the more volatile and unpredictable our world becomes. And essential for the regenerative, doughnut, circular etc. economy! As John Fullerton realised after talking to us: you cannot deliver on these using traditional thinking!

    Dates: Each Tuesday from 2nd July to 23rd July 2024
    Coming soon